What's New

We have been working hard to bring you the very best experience and have relaunched our site. Apart from the new great look and feel we are now offering lots of great new features such as subscriptions and super speedy checkout.

Also, product pages are complete with the most essential useful information, which includes key ingredients and their benefits, skin type analysis and tailor made recommendations to you. 

We have been inspired by real men, who have highlighted their issues, which has provoked thoughtful conversation in a non-judgemental way and bought the new Man Made store to a new and exciting level. 

Our aim is to change the way men shop for grooming products and we can't wait for your feedback!  

What's missing

Unfortunately your old order history is missing, however if you have a query about your old order then get in contact and we will be happy to help, as this information is still stored on our system.

Reward Points

Your old reward points have remained as store credit on your account but we are no longer able to offer new reward points on purchases.


To access your account you need to reset your password here.